Please Be More Selfish (For Real)

Heart & Hustle - 10X Your Relationships & Business

Being selfish is the best thing you can do for others - wait, what?

I had this client who did everything he could for his wife and family. He worked hard, was loyal, and showed up consistently. He was the textbook husband and father - except for one thing.

He didn't show up for himself.

When he went to the gym, read a book, or relaxed with some video games after a long day of work, he felt selfish. Instead enjoying his time off, he suppressed his needs and burned himself out. Still, he felt like he was being selfish and didn't do enough for others.


Because of a deep-rooted belief that his needs weren't important.

Of course, this took a toll on his marriage, on his business, and on the connection he had with himself.

The more he did, the further he got from where he wanted to be.

Through our work together, he learned to put himself first - and the results have been crazy.

Massively improved energy. Deeper connection with his wife. Better business performance. Most important of all - he's feeling happier.

And guess what - the way he changed also inspired his wife to grow with him, more than any sacrifices he made ever could've.

There's a reason why in airplanes you have to put on your oxygen mask first before you help others. If you pass out, you can't support anyone else. So look after yourself first.

However, it's hard to determine the fine line between caring for yourself and being egotistic.

So how can you be selfish "the right way"?

Me in Switzerland, selfishly eating my ice cream

Secret Sauce - This week's challenge:

There are actually three parts.

  • Prioritize your basic needs. Stop sacrificing yourself for others - you're allowed to rest, to relax, and to enjoy.

  • Focus on your patterns. Instead of blaming your partner or focusing on why they do this or how they can do better, look at what's going on inside of you - triggers, emotions, beliefs.

  • Make yourself happy. Your happiness is your responsibility - getting it from others creates a dependent (read: toxic) dynamic.

If you do this, I promise:

  • You'll feel better and happier about yourself

  • You'll have more energy to move your life and business forward

  • You'll improve your relationship tremendously through your sheer presence

Allow yourself to put yourself first.

Fill your cup so you can pour into others'.

You’ll both be happier in the end.


All the best from a keyboard not far away,


PS: If my client's story sounds familiar, feel free to book a call with me here and I'll take a look at your specific situation and help you break the patterns that hold you back quickly and efficiently.