The Net Worth/Self Worth Paradox Keeps You Stuck

Heart & Hustle - Personal Growth for Business Results

I’ve fallen into a dangerous trap (most ambitious men have.)

I grew up constantly measuring my success in numbers - good grades, 0s in my bank account, and how many kilos I lifted in the gym or lost with my diet.

When I started my business, it got even worse.

I put thousands of hours into it, tracked over 15 data points every day to make sure I was productive, and created insane pressure for myself to perform.

When the bottom line went up, I felt great about myself.

But when it went down, I felt terrible.

I woke up at night with my thoughts racing. I constantly grinded my gears about what I needed to change. I fell into workaholic mode, not able to relax and enjoy the present moment with the people around me.

Unknowingly, I had fallen into the same trap a lot of high-achieving men fall into:

We equate our net worth with our self worth.

Society reinforces it - people respect ballers more and women find high socioeconomic status attractive.

The problem comes when you feel like what you have is never enough. You chase cash and have massive mood swings depending on how your business goes.

So here's the thing:

Growing a business can increase your self-worth, but if you still have deep-rooted beliefs that tell you otherwise, it won't be a genuine, authentic change.

This means negative events can throw you off like a raging bull during a rodeo.

Then, you hit the ground hard because your carefully constructed house of cards falls apart.

The mean thing? This isn't a coincidence.

You will always fall back onto the the level of your true, genuine self-worth.

Making money and growing a business can be just a coping mechanism, a quick fix - and sooner or later, it will crumble because the truth always shows.

That's the reason why you're caught in endless ups-and-downs and get stuck at the same level again and again.

Because the external world will always mold to your internal one - your perspective determines your reality.

So instead of chasing quick fixes on the outside, turn inward.

Examine your beliefs. Silence the overly critical voices. Do the real work.

That's when everything else will change in your favor.

Me grinding away back in the day. (I still work a lot, but it’s coming from a much better place.)

Secret Sauce - This Week’s Question:

How do you use your achievements to make up for insecurities?

That’s a deep one, I know. Have the courage to dig for an answer and face the truth.

Instead of compensating for the things you don’t like about yourself, face them like a gladiator in the arena.

Let the pain of being who you are hit you - then step into your power to change or accept.

That’s how you build true, authentic self-worth.


PS: If you want to stop holding yourself back and get your business and life to the next level, I offer premium 1:1 coaching that will catapult you into a better reality. Book a free call here and I'll take a look at your specific situation.