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The 90% Rule (That Any Ambitious Man Needs To Know)

Heart & Hustle - Personal Growth for Business Results

Not reaching your goals sucks.

When I met with my accountability partner two weeks ago, I felt nervous.

I had to be honest with him - so I had to admit failure.

It was a low week. I still did a lot, but there was the nagging pain of not achieving everything I set out to do.

He actually felt the same - both of us had put down big goals for the week and worked hard on them, yet still fell short.

In our discussion, he said something that made me think.

"You have to plan your f*ck-ups."

Hearing it sounded weird. I didn't want to plan to mess up. I wanted to succeed.

But then, I realized the truth I forget way too often: We're all human. And as humans, we will mess up.

That's not a problem - but it becomes one when we beat ourselves up for it.

Ambitious guys often set big goals, grind on them for long hours, yet still feel bad when they don't reach 100% of them.

If that's you, you probably:

  • Work long-ass days

  • Skip workouts to get more done

  • Pack your calendar from morning until evening

  • Eat meals at your desk instead of taking a break

  • Only feel good about yourself when you're totally exhausted

The truth is that no matter how much work you put in, you'll never be perfect - and that's okay.

So instead of shooting for 100%, messing up, feeling bad about yourself, losing momentum, and in the end only getting 70% done...

...plan for your f*ck-ups.

It's much better to achieve 80% or 90% consistently and feel great about yourself.

Your whole energy will change - and you will:

  • Have more inner peace

  • Enjoy what you're doing

  • Feel recharged and get more done

  • Operate from abundance instead of scarcity

  • Take control of your life rather than having it control you

All it takes is accepting that you're human.

Me contemplating when I’ll mess up the next time.

Secret Sauce - This Week's Question:

How can you plan for your f*ck-ups?

Look at your goals and what you want to achieve.

Are you realistic about how you will arrive there? I'm not saying to make your goals smaller - that's something you should never do.

Instead, plan for being human. Give yourself some extra time. Account for the bad day that will happen.

90% done well is better than 100% messed up.


PS: If you want to stop holding yourself back and get your business and life to the next level, I offer premium 1:1 coaching that will catapult you into a better reality. Book a free call here and I'll take a look at your specific situation.